IT IS FINALLY UPON US. THE ONE HOLIDAY OF THE BIG THREE (Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas), THAT IS TRULY FOCUSED ON MY ONE FAVORITE THING ON THIS EARTH... EATING... Yes, ladies, and gentlemen, and descendants of awful white men that colonized, and gentrified the gentle people that gave us this wonderful day.....IT'S THANKSGIVING. It is the… Continue reading PREPPING FOR THANKSGIVING


Okay, boys and girls. It's that week. Countdown to Hallo-motherfuckin-ween has begun (as if I haven't been counting down since like February). And if you're anything like me, then you are ready to be the most snatch't one at all of your Halloween festivities, and want to look, and feel your absolute best. However, if… Continue reading HOT FOR HALLOWEEN

My New Year Favorites

So 2016 is done, we survived, barely, and I don't know about you, but I am READY to ring in this new year. However, as shitty as 2016 was, I discovered some of new "favorites," especially since my last "October Favorites" post. So I figured I would share some of them with you, so that… Continue reading My New Year Favorites

Jumpstarting your Fitness goals/ “New Year’s Resolution”

Let's get one thing straight before you embark on this tacky-ass thing called a "New Year's Resolution," We're gonna stop calling it a "new years resolution," and were just gonna call it a resolution. By doing this you mentally reassure yourself that this isn't going to be a change that happens when the new year… Continue reading Jumpstarting your Fitness goals/ “New Year’s Resolution”

Daily Workout: Shoulders and Arms

Because this is going to be part of my Daily Workout series, I won’t be posting pictures/ gifs or form instructions with each exercise, for the purpose to keep these posts brief and quick. Should you not know how to do an exercise, simply type it into Google and you will know how to do… Continue reading Daily Workout: Shoulders and Arms

Daily Workout: Chest and Back

Because this is going to be part of my Daily Workout series, I won’t be posting pictures/ gifs or form instructions with each exercise, for the purpose to keep these posts brief and quick. Should you not know how to do an exercise, simply type it into Google and you will know how to do… Continue reading Daily Workout: Chest and Back

Daily Workout: Leg Day

Today, we are going to be putting more emphasis on high volume/ hypertrophy training. Apart from the, 2 sets of semi-heavy squats, there are going to be no sets with less than 10 reps. Like any workout, but especially leg days, be sure to warm up properly. Because this is part of my Daily Workout… Continue reading Daily Workout: Leg Day

Daily Workout: Shoulders and Arms

Even though shoulders and arms are probably my least favorite body parts to work, I will admit they are the parts that I am almost always the most excited to see progress in.  Punch a hole in my face With bulking season being here, and everyone wanting bigger arms and boulder shoulders, shoulders and arms… Continue reading Daily Workout: Shoulders and Arms

Easy Weight/ Muscle Gain Hack

Hey guys! One of the most common questions that people ask me regarding muscle gain, is: "How am I supposed to eat all these excess calories in one day when I don't have the time or appetite?" Even for major foodies like me, I will admit when it's 10 at night and you still have… Continue reading Easy Weight/ Muscle Gain Hack


MY FAVORITE DAY(S) OF THE WEEK: LEG DAY! I know everyone loves a good leg day workout, and who doesn't want a big old badonk, so let's just get started. Don't skip the glute warmup; it ensures that your glutes are fired and will be fully utilized the entire workout. Because this is part of… Continue reading DAILY WORKOUT: LEGS AND GLUTES