Dealing With Today’s Standards

If you follow me on any of my social media platforms then you know that I am a huge proponent of #bodyposi and the idea of fucking what anyone thinks. I want to spread the message that regardless of your body, your appearance, your financial status, your living situation, your relationship status, your health status, whatever you MAY think is hindering you, you have every right to still stand up and say I am as flawless as they come.

But that is easier said than done, because the minute you stop reading this, you’re gonna go back to Twitter or Instagram and be inundated with abs, perfect asses, and chiseled cheekbones. So before I get started, I want you to think that maybe instead of hopping right back on the social media train, I want you to think about what you read to yourself for a minute or two.

Okay so let’s get started


I do it too, guilty as charged; everyone does. It’s a normal psychological response of “Why doesn’t this look like that?” “Why don’t I look like that?” Well FUCK that! First of all, it is simply unrealistic; you’re never gonna be a carbon copy of someone you idolize, so stop spending your time doing that, and focus on being the best version that YOU can be.


If you wanna eat a cookie, eat a fucking cookie. If you wanna go to the gym, go to the gym. If you wanna eat 10 cookies then go to the gym, then I’m all for it (and that’s what I’m most likely to do, but to each their own). What I’m saying is, while the choices we all make will affect our bodies different from other choices, don’t try base your decisions around what others are doing. Now, while I would RATHER have you go out and be healthy and active because it will have amazing health and emotional benefits, do it because you want to. Don’t be a slave to others’ opinions and choices, do what you absolutely KNOW is going to make you happy.



What do I mean by that? Well we see those people all the time on social media who feel so poorly about themselves that they feel the need to go out and preach things like: “Unless you have abs/ good looks you’re never gonna be successful, it’s the sad truth.” Well I’m here to call you fuckers out. These guys think they are keeping it 100, but you are just as bad as the guys on Grindr saying “No fats, no fems.” Then the funny and ironic part is that those same people will then go around and say they don’t give a fuck about society’s standards. Well, honey, you sure as hell seem pretty bothered. So, all I’m saying is do not listen to them. Don’t think that your looks are going to be the only thing that will get you places in life. Let your words, choices, and work ethic determine that and do you booboo.


When I say I want you to walk around and live your life like you’re flawless, I don’t mean I want you to walk around thinking you are above anyone. I mean I want you to walk around like you are above others’ perspective of you and that you run your own standards, not society running yours. Own who you are from your body, to your positives, to your insecurities, to your many perfections, they are yours. At the end of the day you are all you have so love you with all you can.

“Know yourself, know your worth.”

Till next time, Babes.


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