People that I hate (part 1)

Ya know, I think that I consider myself a Generally sweet and loving person. I give everyone a fair first chance, and I really don’t LIKE to hate anyone.

unfortunately that “first chance” lasts about 5 seconds with me before I make my mind up about you and it could take 5 years to change.

And while I consider my self, again, GENERALLY, sweet, other words that have come up describing me have consisted of: short, picky, bitchy, impatient, snappy, sarcastic, shady, etc, etc. Now, I don’t take pride in that, apart from the fact that I think it’s given me some pretty quick wit; but I AM working on it.

Now, let’s go back to that “first chance” thing real quick. Today I am going to be discussing the type of people/ things people do that I hate, that ruin their first chance on. The. Mother. F*cking. Spot.

Use this list as you will whether it’s things you wanna avoid doing, or as a reminder of people to stay the FUCK, and I repeat, THE FUCK, away from, or just as some light hateful reading that you can simply relate to.

So without a further a do let’s get started.

PS: This might take a while, so sit back relax, and sip a little T.

1) People who stand in door ways/ other important points of traffic/ activity.

move out of my way real housewives rhony real housewives of new york

Like really, you have all this square footage and you had to choose THAT spot? Really? Like you have turned your entire existence into an inconvenience. Congratulations, you have officially become a human traffic cone, providing nothing more than annoyance and stress.

2. Slow Walkers

move bitch movies white chicks slow people people walking slow

We all know these fuckers, walkin like The March of the fucking Penguins in peanut butter. Like my great grandmother who saw the great depression walks faster than you, and, plot twist, she’s also dead. So either pick up the pace, or drop. THIS GOES FOR DRIVERS TOO! Going three mph over the speed limit does not qualify you for the fast lane.

3. Complainers

follow the incredibles follow me boohoo ah shit

We all complain now and then, this entire post is basically me complaining, but there are these people who seem to be able to make every situation seem like the Last Supper. Like who shit in your cheerios on this day and every other day? Stop mistaking your pencil for your tampon and relax.

4. Loud breathers

Like what is this Darth Vader? Revenge of the Lost Inhaler? We all know you want a dick in it, but shut your mouth and breath with your nose, and at an acceptable volume at that please.

5. Personal Space Invaders

Remember that old arcade game Space Invaders? Where you shot the aliens who were, oh yeah INVADING YOUR SPACE? Well where’s my cannon? Because your breath smells like dick.


Jesus, this might take the cake for me. Honestly, I don’t need to say a lot for this one other than IT’S NOT HARD TO CHEW WITH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH CLOSED AND NOT LIKE AN EPILEPTIC SEA LION.

7. People that complain when you don’t respond IMMEDIATELY

Yes, I got your message. Yes I got the Snapchat. If I wanna talk, I will respond. If I don’t, then I wont at that moment. We didn’t sign a contract saying you get to be butt-hurt every time I don’t respond at a rate to your liking. Unless I wanna date you, or fuck you, don’t hold your breath.

8. One word texters

Now unlike most people, I don’t care if you don’t respond to me, I don’t take it personal, and often times, a lack of response, is a response in itself. BUT, the one word replies such as “lol,” “k,” or *smiley emoji,* are the WORST in my opinion. So either do not respond or tell me you don’t wanna chat, because I’ll have better luck talking to Siri instead.

9. People who whistle in public.

Surely the most efficient way to get me to report you to store security for having a small child in your trunk. Okay, that shit is CREEPY. Like cut it out, because I feel like your about to high five my face with an axe.

10. Weird people

You know these people. It’s almost impossible to describe. Usually a love for EDM and kool aid as hair dye is almost always involved. HotTopic is usually still part of their online search history. The type of people that leave you making a contorted “wtf” face when you’re done talking to them.

11. Obnoxious people at the gym.

If you can’t re-rack your weights, they’re too heavy,  no you don’t have to scream with every rep, and DEAR GOD, if I hear you say the phrase “curls for girls,” I can promise you that I will come up to you and scream “SQUATS FOR COCKS!” (the rhyme is close enough)

12. Vegans

I hate you.

13. People Who Wear sunglasses inside

(unless you’re Mariah Carey)

You are not fashion. You are not cute. You look lost. The UV rays can’t hurt you now. And ever notice that the people who do this’ sunglasses are usually 10 sizes too big for their faces?

14. People who don’t put their arms through their coat

Buy a vest next time you wasteful bitch or I’ll choke ya out with the sleeves you don’t wear. It’s so Kim Kardashian’s Instagram in 2014.

15. People who have never heard the words “Please,” “thank you,” or “you’re welcome.”

ya know I bet you ‘d be surprised at how much better you will feel if you put as much energy into saying those three phrases as you do being an ungrateful bitch.

okay I’m over it. This will continue at a later date, but you get the jist, my anger is simply rising at this point.

Till next time my babes,



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