A titty workout

If you look at all the “big buys” at the gym, and I mean really look at them, then you will notice something.


No not that.

and no not that. (I mean yeah that too).


But you will notice that, for the most part, it’s not their arms or shoulders that make them “big,” but their back and chest, which makes sense considering that they are the largest muscle groups in your upper body.

So today in this post I’ll give you a chest workout that will surely give you some results you will love this summer/ pride seasonI didn’t think one could get pregnant from an image. But like.

1) Barbell flat bench press 4 (sets) x 8-10(reps). Rest 1 minute between sets.

Always keep your butt on the bench when you perform this exercise to avoid putting strain on your neck. Lower the bar to so your elbows are ATLEAST parallel to the floor, but the more you stretch the chest muscle by bringing the bar lower, the better. The wider your hands the more you work your chest, and the closer your hands the more you’re gonna work the triceps (the “back” arm muscle)

2. Incline dumbbell chest press 4×12. 45 seconds rest between sets

Again, if the weight is so heavy that it forces you to lift your butt off the bench it’s too heavy. Lower until the dumbbell heads are level with your chest.

3. Incline Dumbbell Fly 4 x 10 SUPER-SET* WITH Flat Dumbbell Fly 4 x 10 . Rest 75 seconds between super sets. 

*a super set is where you do these two exercises back to back without taking a break. Your only break in this case would be changing your weights and lowering the bench. After you complete both exercises you take your rest

Lower each dumbbell until you feel a stretch in your pec then bring the dumbbells back together, squeezing at the top. Be sure to keep your elbows in line with your shoulders by making sure they do not collapse to prevent shoulder injury.

4. Seated Pec Fly 4 x 12. 45 seconds rest between sets

Like in the picture, and in the dumbbell flyes, be sure to keep your elbows up and inline with your shoulders and resist dropping them. Be sure to squeeze your chest throughout the entire motion to maintain tension.

5.Standing High cable fly 4x 12 SUPER SET WITH  Standing Low Cable Flyes 4 x 12. 75 seconds rest between each super set. 

High Cable

Low Cable

Again,  be sure to keep your elbows up and inline with your hands and shoulders. The only

difference between these two moves is the level at which the cable is starting from which you can adjust.

6. Finisher: 4 x 1 minutes of pushups (4 minutes totally) 30 seconds rest between each minute

Be sure to keep your core tight, and not to drop your butt. By the end of this your chest, core, and arms will feel like jelly.


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